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Ciudad Real
May 6 - 8, 2025

FENAVIN. Feria Nacional del Vino


"FENAVIN is the trade fair of reference on Spanish wine". This is how the daily newspaper EL PAÍS defines the Spanish Wine Fair in its "Negocios" supplement, as is the case of the ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade), in an assessment report on FENAVIN.

This is also likewise the perception that wineries and Spanish cooperatives have of the trade fair, having wagered on FENAVIN from its very beginnings as an instrument to promote business in both the national and international wine industry. The industry highly values the efficiency of the system that is promoted by the trade fair, year after year and yet, even so, the managing team still continues to mark out the same goal: to do business with pragmatic and efficient work systems that aid in creating a broad-ranging encounter between the offer and the demand.

This proposal that is fundamentally based on personalized attention in that pertaining to the demand has managed FENAVIN to become the most important monographic trade fair in Spain, and the only one that truly offers contrasted business capacity. It is due to this reason that at FENAVIN 2023 there were 1.921 participating wineries and cooperative organizations coming in from the entire national territory and distributed throughout eight pavilions. Practically all the designations of origin of Spain were able to do business at the most important trade fair on Spanish wine.

FENAVIN 2017  Pavilions Map

FENAVIN, as of its very beginnings, has always specialized in foreign trade, on international projection that will allow the Spanish wine offer to be present on the most important markets. Thus the trade fair has delegations distributed throughout the world: in 2023 a total of 4.352 buyers from 100 countries worked at the Trade Fair. 519,000 commercial contacts were made.

However now, this vocation for business that the Trade Fair has also puts special interest in taking care of the national buyer. This is so much so that in the past edition 14.828 persons were working hard and intensely during the three days of the Trade Fair.

As of the very first edition, more than 22,000 buyers from 118 countries have been directly handled by the organization through its International Buyers Program.

The sectors of origin of the international buyers that have been working in the last edition correspond to:


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